The Hensleys

The Hensleys
Love Birds!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sweet Moments

As many of you know, Zack is in Peru for the majority of January. He is amazingly talented and such a wonderful provider that this just comes with the territory. Sometimes I tell him he should act clueless or make some mistakes and then maybe he wouldn't have to travel, but of course I am just joking. I am very proud of his hard work for our family.

This gives me an opportunity to spend a lot of undivided attention with our kids. I cherish every moment with them, even when they are stinkers! Its kind of funny because when Zack has to travel it seems inevitable that something "bad" happens when he leaves. Well this was proven true this time as well. Not even 24 hours after he left Chase got pink eye. He was so brave at the doctors office and in return he got eye drops and an oral medicine. The first two days he did such a great job with his medicine, then he caught on that the eye drops were horrible, and the medicine was disgusting. So I have been practicing my mommy wrestling moves to get his drops in and bribery to get his oral medicine down. Luckily we finished our eye drops today and only have a few more days of the oral medicine. That same day that Zack left, our dog Lucy decided she wanted to go hunting and caught a live squirrel and ate it. Then she brought a few remains to the front door. That was fun disposing of.... if your looking for a dog...I have one for you! The next day a fish died. So needless to say, the rest of the month better be pretty calm around here! I noticed with Zack traveling I have had such a support group surround me. Friends and family have been checking in more and keeping an eye on me. I am so appreciative!

So on to some sweet moments this month. I have realized that Chase and Cailin will be quite a pair! Chase is the only person that can make Cailin laugh as much as she does. I can make her laugh, but not as much as her bubby. She mostly laughs when he is doing something wild/dangerous/ or when he is trouble. So as you can guess this is the majority of the day! Chase made me laugh so hard today as well. We were sitting and eating hummus and pretzels and he said, "Mommy what is this?" I said, "hummus." Chase said, "Oh, Thomas, Thomas the train!" I tried to convince him it was hummus but he kept saying Thomas so I left it at that. Then later on when he was eating lunch I asked if he was done. He said yes, so then I said okay well we need to get ready for our nap! He then grabbed his plate and said Oh I'm not THAT done. =) He is starting to become such a little man with a creative loving heart. We had, "If you Give a Mouse A Cookie," day today. Which consisted of reading the book, making cookies and a craft. Well we decided to set some cookies aside in a Ziploc bag for our neighbor who was coming to babysit him that night. Apparently at some point when the neighbor was there she said he was over in the kitchen eating the cookies out of the bag. She said Chase can you eat those? He said YES they are my cookies! She said after one cookie she put them up but he was very convincing that they were his cookies and he was allowed to eat them. As soon as I came home he just smiled and laughed about it. I cannot believe how sneaky he is already. We are in for a real treat!

I am so blessed to spend this time with my family. I look forward to more silly stories and moments and I will be posting them as soon as they happen!

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